Thursday, December 3, 2009

06. Floss every day for a month

One time, a few years ago I went to the dentist and I had a very mild case of gingivitis. In order to teach me of the dangers and perils that come from gingivitis, the technician showed me a picture of decaying teeth along with a chart explaining how gingivitis works. The image that she showed me of a rotten mouth looked a little something like this:

And let me tell you, it was horrifying! That one moment in time is burned into my brain. I even remember the weather that day, and what I was wearing. I used to have, not nightmares, but very vivid dreams of my teeth one day turning like this. After that, I started flossing every single day. Probably every day for 6 months, which was when my next check up was. And the next time I went, I was proclaimed disease-free!

Well, after my brush with 'the ginge', I started cutting back on the flossing. Still a couple of times a week, but not nearly as often as when I was scared shitless of what was to become of my teeth.

So I vowed to floss my teeth every day for a month. It has actually been going on 3 months now that I have been flossing every day. I even have a chart that I fill out every day, to make sure I don't slack.

A wise dentist once told my mother, if you are going to choose between brushing and flossing, choose flossing. Although, this was 40 years ago, while my mother lived in Africa... where they brushed their teeth with sugar cane...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

58. Learn to say "My name is" in 4 different languages

I recently learned how to say this in Italian - Me yamo Z.

But more importantly, I learned how to say this in Korean. In preparation for my trip (which as it were, is in 3 weeks exactly) I downloaded a podcast to teach me the basics of the language, so that, even though I probably won't understand what people are saying to me, I can still be polite and say please and thank you. I am also going to ask T to teach me Korean swear words so that I know if people are secretly insulting me.

In Korean, you say - Jo-nen Z-iminida

I probably didn't write it right, but that is how I pronounce it. I also learned how to say delicious -Mashisseyo and Good Morning -Cho-nun Achimi-iminida and will hopefully learn a little bit more before I leave. Plus, I have a 14 hour plane ride to really get into character.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

88. Learn the meaning of 5 random words in the dictionary and begin using them on a regular basis

I am a firm believer in the idea that if you use big words, you can get away with anything. As such, I would like to enhance my oratory skills through the addition of 5 smart-sounding words.

To find the first of my 5 words that I am going to introduce into my vocabulary, I was on an online dictionary today looking to translate something into French and I came across the word of the day: skulduggery. Here is a brief definition/explanation of the word, just so I don't catch anyone completely off guard with my new expansive repetoire.


\skul-DUG-uh-ree\ , noun;

1.Devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity; also: an instance thereof.

And then the inquests, and the coroner's reports, and the hints of diplomatic cover-ups, and skulduggery in high places.
-- Hilary Mantel, Eight Months on Ghazzah Street

Laptop theft was the third most common electronic skulduggery, behind viruses (84 percent) and unauthorized employee use of computers and software (78 percent), according to the survey by the Computer Security Institute in San Francisco.
-- Michael Cooper, "Low Tech Joins the Fight Against High-Tech Theft", New York Times, April 23, 1998

For instance, the Federal Trade Commission already goes after some kindsof Internet skulduggery, like selling products that promise more than they deliver.
-- David Stout, "New Internet Anti-Fraud Center Announced by Attorney General", New York Times, May 8, 2000

The origin of skulduggery is unknown.

Friday, October 16, 2009

53. Visit NYC

I went to New York for the long weekend. I've wanted to go for a few years, and I will have to go again, since 3 days is not nearly enough to fully experience New York.

Here are some pictures from the vacay.

Times Square at night

Wall Street - The buildings are absolutely amazing

Inside Grand Central Station
View from Belvedere Castle in Central Park

This is only some of what we saw in New York. For the rest, you must be privy to my extremely exclusive facebook page.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

61. Make a friend in a random city/county

I had a penpal in highschool. Her name was Mélanie Y********* (I cannot believe that I remember her name) and she was from Paris, France. I always thought it was cool to talk to someone that lived in a different country than me, so I signed up for a penpal last week. It did not go very well for me.

A few days ago, I got a reply from this guy in Ethiopia. At first I thought, neat, Ethiopia is cool, they call samosas 'sambosa' and wear really loud clothes. I replied to him using my old email address just in case he turned out to be a creepo, and it's a good thing I did!

The first thing that I noticed was that he mispelled my name. I have a problem with this, especially since I had written what my name was in the message that he replied to. You want to be my friend? You gotta know my name. I probably would have let it slide if the next thing that he wrote was not: (actual exerpt from email)

"now i have a friend i'm happy to know you could you tell me your visit how do u find NY (I had mentioned my trip in my email) do you have a plan to vosit Africa as weel see you soon and i would be happy if we chat"

No, I will not be seeing you soon. I did not sign up for a pen pal in order to find a boyfriend on the other side of the world. Delete.

So if anyone out there knows someone who wants a pen pal, hopefully one that has no desire to meet me, give me their name. Until then, my quest continues.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

74. Disconnect from technology for a whole weekend

I thought that I could complete this task while I was in NYC since I didn't want ridiculous roaming charges, and that I could probably stay away from a computer, and maybe my Ipod. Simple enough in theory.

I was sucessful with my cell phone. I just left it in the car and forgot about it. I didn't really need it since I just made sure never to wander off on my own. But, as for the rest, I wasn't able to stay away from. I didn't check my email but I did check twitter when I went to the Apple Store on 5th avenue and from my brother's IPod. And I was listening to music for the whole drive. So, I think that my attempt at this goal failed, but I still have 150 weekends to do it properly. I will probably try it the next time I go camping, since I am pretty much forced into technological seclusion.

I completed/began a few other goals, but I will update later.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

92. Finish 5 crossword puzzles completely, without cheating

Well, I finished 1 out of 5. I like doing crosswords, but I usually end up not being about to find the last few words. This was on level easy, it is the only one that I am going to allow myself on easy. The rest have to be medium skill or hard.

33. Start filing my bills properly

To be quite honest, I am not really an organized person. Every month when I pay my credit card, I usually just put my bill on some random counter. And most of the time, I usually think I will remember where I put it. This happens to not be true, and I find old bills randomly around the house every few days or weeks. Even when I find my old bills, I don't put them anywhere logical. So I have been meaning to start filing my bills properly for a long time, only I never really had any motivation to do it. I actually did this 2 weeks ago. I searched the house for any of my old credit card bills and I put them in "my box" which is the box that my mom bought for me 4 years ago, when I started university to put all my stuff. Over the last 4 years, this box has mostly contained textbooks that I bought and never read, old photocopies, and - the one thing that I am glad that I kept organized - about 20 essays that I had to write in university. I put some filling folders in the box, and turned it into an instant filing cabinet! Unfortunatley, there were some casualties, but nothing serious. I wasn't able to find all my old statements.. but from now on, I am putting them in my box as soon as they are paid!

Now, if the tax man ever comes to haunt me, I know where all my bills are.

Monday, September 28, 2009

67. Get something different to eat at Cora's

Now, anyone who has ever gone with me to Cora's will know, I always, ALWAYS order waffles, with banana, kiwi and strawberry - hold the custard and the coulis, yes whipped cream. The only thing I may change up is what I drink with it, milk, smoothie or water. I think once I ordered orange juice.

Just looking at this picture makes my mouth water. But I decided that I need to change it up. It isn't that I don't like trying new food. The problem I have is that when I find something that I really love to eat, I don't like to try something new. It is the same thing when I go to many restaurants. At Red Lobster is Shrimp Linguini Alfredo. At Nando's it's always a Chicken Pita. So today, I ordered a Theo's Omelette.

I'll admit, it was good. But I still think I am going to order waffles the next time. Number 67, check.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

36. Convince 2 people that sleeping naked is not gross, but extremely comfortable


The day after I made this list, my best friend G calls me and she says to me. "You know what I tried yesterday? Sleeping naked. You were right, it IS comfy." And then, the pinnacle of achievement - my baby sister told me last night that she enjoys it too!

No pictures unfortunately.

So there it is, I am changing the world - one nudy at a time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day Zero Project

For this project, you are supposed to create a list of 101 items to be completed in 1001 days, which is a little over 2.5 years. I got it from my buddy Ashley. I have until Friday June 8th 2012 to complete this list. I guess I should set myself a reminder now. Here is what I have for myself:

Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition

01. Still be playing volleyball and soccer at least 1 season out of the year /2
02. Train for and complete a 10k run /1
03. Gain enough weight to be able to donate blood
04. Donate blood /1
05. Try out surfing /1
06. Floss every day for a month 30/30
07. Wear sunscreen every day for 2 weeks in the summer /14
08. Wear sunscreen every day for 2 weeks in the winter /14
09. Don't eat any junk food for a whole month /30
10. Take vitamins every day for 2 weeks /14

For the Mind/Body/Soul
11. Do Tai Chi one day a week for 2 months /8
12. Do a morning prayer for my grandfather every week for a month /4
13. Make 2 new friends that I could trust with my life /2
14. Wake up early to watch the sun rise 5 times /5
15. Read one book every 2 weeks for 6 months 12/12
16. Begin my Master's Degree

For Myself
17. Become self-sufficient in the kitchen. (in progress)
18. Cook dinner by myself 7 times 2/7
19. Bake 3 apple pies myself /3
20. Start and finish a scrapbook /1
21. Have someone tell me I changed their life /1
22. Learn to drive a Standard car
23. Feel like I have not completely lost my French
24. Learn how to say no without feeling bad
25. Get over my fear of butterflies by going to a butterfly exhibit without running through it /1
26. Buy myself a new cell phone 1/1
27. Keep my room clean for 6 consecutive months /6
28. Make my bed every day for a month /30

29. Don't rack up fines on my library card for 1 year /12
30. Be on my way to completing my Master's Degree debt free.
31. Make myself a budget and stick to it for 6 months /6
32. Save for and buy my own laptop /1
33. Start filing my bills properly 1/1
34. Don't buy anything non-essential for one month /30
35. Resist the urge to buy something I want at least twice 1/2

For Fun
36. Convince 2 people that sleeping naked is not gross, but extremely comfortable 2/2
37. Watch at least 10 Cary Grant movies 5/10
38. Have dinner on a rooftop /1
39. See a shooting star and make a wish 1/1
40. Create a time-capsule and bury it /1
41. Talk with an accent for a whole day /1
42. Have a Harry Potter marathon once all the movies come out /1
43. Go on an all-out shopping spree, spending at least 300$ /1
44. Meet and take a picture with a celebrity /1
45. Write and have published a "Letter to the Editor" /1
46. Go to at least 10 different museums 10/10
47. Get one of my weird dreams interpreted /1
48. Go to a palm reader and tarrot card reader /2
49. Take T to a Cirque du Soliel show /1
50. Play Texas Hold'em at the Casino /1
51. Go Geocaching
52. Have a girls night where we all get decked out hair/makeup /1

53. Visit NYC 1/1
54. Travel to 2 other continents not including North America 1/2
55. Go on a road trip /1
56. Go to the Just for Laugh's Festival in Montreal /1
57. Try 3 things that I would never think of eating when travelling 2/3
58. Learn to say "My name is" in 4 different languages 3/4
59. Find a fountain everywhere I travel and make a wish
60. Send out postcards from my travels
61. Make a friend in a random city/county /1
62. Keep in touch with random friend /1

Local Living
63. Go to "Doors Open Ottawa" at least once in the next 2.5 years /1
64. Give successful directions to somewhere in Ottawa 6 times 1/6
65. Try out the Giovani's in Little Italy 1/1
66. Test out at least 5 new Sushi places /5
67. Get something different to eat at Cora's 1/1
68. Go to the Busker Festival /1

69. Call in to work sick just because /1
70. Treat myself to a Spa Day /1
71. Do yoga at least once a week for 2 months /8
72. Have a bad-movie night /1
73. Go to at least 5 comedy shows 4/5
74. Disconnect from technology for a whole weekend /1

75. Get (beep) to stop talking to me
76. Don't loose touch with G
77. Still be close to my mom
78. Give my dad a second chance

Giving Back
79. Put change in someone's expired parking meter /1
80. Volunteer more in my community
81. Do 3 good deeds anonymously /3
82. Stand up for someone who can't stand up for themselves /1
83. Go through my clothes and donate what I don't wear every 6 months /5
84. Everytime someone comes to my door selling chocolate almonds, buy a box. Currently bought: 2
85. Send someone a care package without them asking /1
86. Donate my hair to Locks of Love once /1
87. Tip a waiter/waitress 100% for an amazing service /1

88. Learn the meaning of 5 random words in the dictionary and begin using them on a regular basis 1/5
89. Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle /1
90. Wear matching bra/underwear every day for 2 weeks /14
91. Do not kill mom's plants until 1001 days is over /1001
92. Finish 5 crossword puzzles completely, without cheating 1/5
93. Play Roll up the Rim to Win until I've won at least 5 times /5
94. Hide a letter for T when I visit him in Korea 1/1
95. Take a bubble bath at least once a year /3
96. Tell someone off who really deserves it /1
97. Make more of an effort to get of baby sister's good side
98. Switch places with F for a day and see who notices /1

Just Because
99. Donate 5$ to a charity for every item not completed at the end of 1001 days
100. Create a new list after this one expires
101. Find something to smile about every day /1001

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Motivation is a funny thing

4 months ago, I ran a 5k race. In the months leading up to my race, I would train about 2 or 3 times a week. In the winter I ran the track at my school and in the early spring I ran outside. I started off by running 2k and worked my way up eventually to 4k. I was so pumped to run the race, my goal was to run the race in under 45 mins, and so I trained, because there was no way I was going to fail. Especially in front of strangers. That is a no-no.

Then came race day. It must have been close to 30 degrees out. I remember the forecast calling for a high of 27 but it felt much hotter than that. I remember standing in line and hearing the gun go off, and I started running. I had a hard time pacing myself because there were so many people next to me, so you would speed up to pass the slow people and then slow down because a crowd of people were standing in front of you. And it was HOT. The race started off well, but by about 1.5k I was starting to get tired but in my head I kept on telling myself, don't stop or else you wont start again. It was probably around the 2k mark that I had started telling myself that I just need a minute to just stop and get my breath. I remember thinking, 'don't stop moving, at least keep walking' but I could not force my legs to keep moving at this point through sheer jedi mind-power alone. And the second I stopped running I knew that if I stoped once, I would probably stop again. Not good if I wanted to finish in 45 minutes. So after a 30 second breather (I made sure to find a shady spot, to double the effectiveness of the pause, because even in defeat one must always have good strategy) I started running again. But at this point I knew if I stoped another time, I would be cutting it close, I was already around 18 minutes and only halfway through. So around the 3k mark I slowed down but this time I kept my feet moving. I forced myself to just keep at least walking. In my mind, I remember telling myself, 'just keep walking, just keep walking' until I had gotten myself back together. And I could see my goal, and I thought 'Uh oh, I'm not going to make it.'

Then I said to myself, I don't only want to be under 45 mins, I want to be way under 45. So instead of telling myself to just keep walking, I told myself, 'No more breaks, its running from here on out.' And that was all it took. I was tired, but I kept running and in my head I was telling myself, you are almost there, it's so close, there is no way you are going to walk this close to the finish line.

In the end, I ran the race in 34 minutes and came in 2081th place out of some 5000+. I am sure I could have ran it faster if I had my end-of-race mentality for the entire race. But this is the first time where I actually saw the power of positive thinking playing out.

I feel like Thomas the tank engine.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Goodbye mini-me

Recently, I changed my email address. My old email was not professional, but it wasn't completely unprofessional either. It didn't give the impression that I was trying to pick up chicks while posing as 24/male/Cali (ex:luukin4soulm8). Nor did it imply that I was into the more sketchy side of life (ex: goonz_fo_rent). No, my old email just showed some good natured humour that you think is funny when you are a kid, and that is no longer appropriate once one enters into the workforce. This makes sense since I have had my old email address since my pre-teen years, when it was cool to be original.

Now, the point of this post is not to say that you should not, and can't, have any email address that you want. Feel free to add 666 to the end of your address and abreviate cutie to qt. All I'm saying is that this new, "professional" email address that I now have gives me a lot less to talk about when giving people my contact information, and takes away one of my last links with my childhood self.

Growing up really sucks some times.

The start of an era? Likely not

I've always wanted a blog. I am not sure that I will have much of anything to write about, I am not a writer and have no desire to be. I have been reading the blogs of other people lately and just thought maybe I should join in on the fun. I have opinions, but most of them aren't strong, and I am easily swayed by the arguments of others, which goes against the critical thinking skills that I have been paying 5000$ a year for the last 4 years to obtain.

I have some time off, I was working at Library and Archives Canada for the summer, but Friday was my last day. They are trying to get me back but it might take a while for the whole process to play out. In the meantime, I am going to take it easy and take a little time off. It has been a solid 16 (17 if you include kindergarden) years of school for me. Never, in that whole period have I looked at the end of August as something other than signaling the start of another school year. And now, at the age of 22, I actually can look at the road ahead of me and wonder, what will I do this September?

I actually know that I want to go back to school to do my masters, but it won't be this year. In the year off, I hope to work and do some travelling and just enjoy the time that I have. I guess I will do some blogging too.