Friday, April 2, 2010

64. Give successful directions to somewhere in Ottawa 6 times

E: "How do I get to the Post Office?"
Z: "Walk outside of the building, and walk down Gilmour until you get to Bank Street. It is inside the Quickie"
E: "Oh, Z, what would I do without you?"
Z: under my breath - "Mua ha ha ha haaaaa..."

15. Read one book every 2 weeks for 6 months

For those of you who don't know me that well, and even those that do, I will say this proudly - I am a book worm. In fact, I am convinced that the reason that I have to wear glasses is because I used to read Nancy Drew novels in the dark in the back seat of the car while my parents drove us to Toronto. I love to read and now that I am out of school, I actually have time to read for fun.
I've actually probably read more than one book every 2 weeks. I've read alot of murder mysteries, and a work buddy actually got me to start reading Agatha Christie who, up until last week I was convinced I hated. I've also read some of the popular books like The Time Traveller's Wife and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The one problem that I have is actually trying to find a book to read, so if anyone has suggestions for reading material, please let me know.

To be honest, this task was actually a freebie for me. As T once said to me, I could finish this faster than a pop tart in front of a fat camp kid. Not really PC, but totally easy.