Monday, July 4, 2011

The Lure of the Royals

It's been a while since I've updated, and I figured this is the perfect opportunity to start up again since I have recently started spending a lot more time on the computer at work, although I am not spending a whole lot more time working (as it were...). I am still working on my list of 101 things, but on a slightly scaled-back pace. Actually, it might have something to do with the fact that I realized that if I were to not do any of my 101 items on my list, I would only have to donate 500$ to charity, and I would get a tax-receipt anyway.

I have decided that I would use this opportunity to look at one of the most fundamental questions of human nature, namely why do we care so much about famous people? What is it that makes us idolize these people, or make us willing to stand for hours in the freezing snow, miserable rain or scorching heat just to catch a glimpse of the right half of an arm of someone who doesn't even know you exist?

Well, I have the answer. It is because famous people - namely Will and Kate, are so much fun to watch. I like to wonder what they are thinking when they see 500 000 people sitting on Parliament Hill who came out just for them. Here is what I imagine is going on in their brains. (All said with a delightful British accent of course) Oh fabulous, everyone can admire my new wife Katherine with her delightful hat. Much better than those hats everyone wore at our wedding. It certainly is hot in Canada. Didn't grandma-ma say that Canadians lived in perpetual winter? Hmm.. yes.. rather. I suppose it is time for me to wave now. Oh, the adoring public. Hey you.. get back.. peasant

I think we watch famous people because we all like gossip, and this is a way that we can gossip on a larger scale because it isn't limited to your circle of friends. You can connect to people you have never met before if you both follow the latest of Alex Rodrigez's girl drama.

Anyway, I will be back to blog about other exciting topics in the coming weeks.