Sunday, March 16, 2014

Re-launching my blog

Instead of starting a new blog, I have decided to rebrand my current blog. This way, I already have fun content, but I will have new stuff to add to it.

A little about me: Although I've known how to bike since I was a kid, it had been years since I've actually ridden one. This wasn't helped by the fact that my former bike had no seat. Last year, I made the decision to begin commuting 13km to work each way (about 25km round trip). I bought a cute green hybrid for 40$ and outfitted it with an amazing neon pink milk crate. It makes me look so cute! Like, adorably cute! And everyone at work knows its mine. "Hey, I saw your bright pink milk crate this morning!" One time, I was meeting a friend at Starbucks and my sister walks in to saying, "I knew you were here, I saw your milk crate outside."

Last year, I only biked when it was sunny, and stopped once the snow hit. But, before you go thinking I'm only a fair-weather biker, note that even when it was frosty outside, I still biked to work, all bundled up. But the snow? That was a little too much for me. My people come from the tropics. When they first came to Canada, they described snow like falling garlic skins... I'm allowed to drive in the winter!

This year I'm thinking I will bike even in the rain, but I have back-up bus tickets just in case I change my mind... But, as I recently took the bus for the first time last week, I found out it takes justs as long to bus to work as it does to bike. In that case, might as well bike and spend my 3.50$ on food and electricity to heat my water tank after taking a long shower!

So, now that the switch over to the bike-friendly interface has taken over, prepare yourself (and by yourself, I am talking to my 1 dedicated reader) for all my biking-related posts that I have planned for you!

1 comment:

  1. I am your most loyal fan, and deleting my comments does not make it untrue!!
