Thursday, November 12, 2009

58. Learn to say "My name is" in 4 different languages

I recently learned how to say this in Italian - Me yamo Z.

But more importantly, I learned how to say this in Korean. In preparation for my trip (which as it were, is in 3 weeks exactly) I downloaded a podcast to teach me the basics of the language, so that, even though I probably won't understand what people are saying to me, I can still be polite and say please and thank you. I am also going to ask T to teach me Korean swear words so that I know if people are secretly insulting me.

In Korean, you say - Jo-nen Z-iminida

I probably didn't write it right, but that is how I pronounce it. I also learned how to say delicious -Mashisseyo and Good Morning -Cho-nun Achimi-iminida and will hopefully learn a little bit more before I leave. Plus, I have a 14 hour plane ride to really get into character.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

88. Learn the meaning of 5 random words in the dictionary and begin using them on a regular basis

I am a firm believer in the idea that if you use big words, you can get away with anything. As such, I would like to enhance my oratory skills through the addition of 5 smart-sounding words.

To find the first of my 5 words that I am going to introduce into my vocabulary, I was on an online dictionary today looking to translate something into French and I came across the word of the day: skulduggery. Here is a brief definition/explanation of the word, just so I don't catch anyone completely off guard with my new expansive repetoire.


\skul-DUG-uh-ree\ , noun;

1.Devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity; also: an instance thereof.

And then the inquests, and the coroner's reports, and the hints of diplomatic cover-ups, and skulduggery in high places.
-- Hilary Mantel, Eight Months on Ghazzah Street

Laptop theft was the third most common electronic skulduggery, behind viruses (84 percent) and unauthorized employee use of computers and software (78 percent), according to the survey by the Computer Security Institute in San Francisco.
-- Michael Cooper, "Low Tech Joins the Fight Against High-Tech Theft", New York Times, April 23, 1998

For instance, the Federal Trade Commission already goes after some kindsof Internet skulduggery, like selling products that promise more than they deliver.
-- David Stout, "New Internet Anti-Fraud Center Announced by Attorney General", New York Times, May 8, 2000

The origin of skulduggery is unknown.