For this project, you are supposed to create a list of 101 items to be completed in 1001 days, which is a little over 2.5 years. I got it from my buddy Ashley. I have until Friday June 8th 2012 to complete this list. I guess I should set myself a reminder now. Here is what I have for myself:
Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition01. Still be playing volleyball and soccer at least 1 season out of the year /2
02. Train for and complete a 10k run /1
03. Gain enough weight to be able to donate blood
04. Donate blood /1
05. Try out surfing /1
Floss every day for a month 30/30
07. Wear sunscreen every day for 2 weeks in the summer /14
08. Wear sunscreen every day for 2 weeks in the winter /14
09. Don't eat any junk food for a whole month /30
10. Take vitamins every day for 2 weeks /14
For the Mind/Body/Soul11. Do Tai Chi one day a week for 2 months /8
12. Do a morning prayer for my grandfather every week for a month /4
13. Make 2 new friends that I could trust with my life /2
14. Wake up early to watch the sun rise 5 times /5
Read one book every 2 weeks for 6 months 12/12
16. Begin my Master's Degree
For Myself17. Become self-sufficient in the kitchen.
(in progress)18. Cook dinner by myself 7 times 2/7
19. Bake 3 apple pies myself /3
20. Start and finish a scrapbook /1
21. Have someone tell me I changed their life /1
22. Learn to drive a Standard car
23. Feel like I have not completely lost my French
24. Learn how to say no without feeling bad
25. Get over my fear of butterflies by going to a butterfly exhibit without running through it /1
Buy myself a new cell phone 1/1
27. Keep my room clean for 6 consecutive months /6
28. Make my bed every day for a month /30
29. Don't rack up fines on my library card for 1 year /12
30. Be on my way to completing my Master's Degree debt free.
31. Make myself a budget and stick to it for 6 months /6
32. Save for and buy my own laptop /1
Start filing my bills properly 1/1
34. Don't buy anything non-essential for one month /30
35. Resist the urge to buy something I want at least twice 1/2
For Fun36.
Convince 2 people that sleeping naked is not gross, but extremely comfortable 2/2
37. Watch at least 10 Cary Grant movies 5/10
38. Have dinner on a rooftop /1
See a shooting star and make a wish 1/1
40. Create a time-capsule and bury it /1
41. Talk with an accent for a whole day /1
42. Have a Harry Potter marathon once all the movies come out /1
43. Go on an all-out shopping spree, spending at least 300$ /1
44. Meet and take a picture with a celebrity /1
45. Write and have published a "Letter to the Editor" /1
Go to at least 10 different museums 10/10
47. Get one of my weird dreams interpreted /1
48. Go to a palm reader and tarrot card reader /2
49. Take T to a Cirque du Soliel show /1
50. Play Texas Hold'em at the Casino /1
51. Go Geocaching
52. Have a girls night where we all get decked out hair/makeup /1
Visit NYC 1/1
54. Travel to 2 other continents not including North America 1/2
55. Go on a road trip /1
56. Go to the Just for Laugh's Festival in Montreal /1
57. Try 3 things that I would never think of eating when travelling 2/3
58. Learn to say "My name is" in 4 different languages 3/4
59. Find a fountain everywhere I travel and make a wish
60. Send out postcards from my travels
61. Make a friend in a random city/county /1
62. Keep in touch with random friend /1
Local Living63. Go to "Doors Open Ottawa" at least once in the next 2.5 years /1
64. Give successful directions to somewhere in Ottawa 6 times 1/6
Try out the Giovani's in Little Italy 1/1
66. Test out at least 5 new Sushi places /5
Get something different to eat at Cora's 1/1
68. Go to the Busker Festival /1
Relax69. Call in to work sick just because /1
70. Treat myself to a Spa Day /1
71. Do yoga at least once a week for 2 months /8
72. Have a bad-movie night /1
73. Go to at least 5 comedy shows 4/5
74. Disconnect from technology for a whole weekend /1
Get (beep) to stop talking to me76. Don't loose touch with G
77. Still be close to my mom
78. Give my dad a second chance
Giving Back79. Put change in someone's expired parking meter /1
80. Volunteer more in my community
81. Do 3 good deeds anonymously /3
82. Stand up for someone who can't stand up for themselves /1
83. Go through my clothes and donate what I don't wear every 6 months /5
84. Everytime someone comes to my door selling chocolate almonds, buy a box.
Currently bought: 285. Send someone a care package without them asking /1
86. Donate my hair to Locks of Love once /1
87. Tip a waiter/waitress 100% for an amazing service /1
Miscellaneous88. Learn the meaning of 5 random words in the dictionary and begin using them on a regular basis 1/5
89. Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle /1
90. Wear matching bra/underwear every day for 2 weeks /14
91. Do not kill mom's plants until 1001 days is over /1001
92. Finish 5 crossword puzzles completely, without cheating 1/5
93. Play Roll up the Rim to Win until I've won at least 5 times /5
Hide a letter for T when I visit him in Korea 1/1
95. Take a bubble bath at least once a year /3
96. Tell someone off who really deserves it /1
97. Make more of an effort to get of baby sister's good side
98. Switch places with F for a day and see who notices /1
Just Because99. Donate 5$ to a charity for every item not completed at the end of 1001 days
100. Create a new list after this one expires
101. Find something to smile about every day /1001